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UVNC vs. operating system compatibility vs. caveats

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Joined: 2017-09-13 00:40

UVNC vs. operating system compatibility vs. caveats

Post by AnotherUVNCuser »

Greetings users of the wonderful and free U(ltra)VNC program, and Rudi De Vos (i'm also dutch btw, and you're flemish?)

I'm sorry if this question has been asked/answered a dozen of times before already, but besides using the search function and browsing through the posts under General help, Beginner questions and FAQ i haven't been able to find an answer for my question.

I basically want to know what happens if i run a binary on different operating system than it is build for.

Are the WIN8 builds 100% compatible with Windows Vista, 7 and 10 or are there any caveats i should be aware of?

And what does OS compatibility and caveats list for the XP binaries look like?

Hopefully someone is willing to answer these questions :-)

Best regards,
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: UVNC vs. operating system compatibility vs. caveats

Post by Rudi De Vos »

At compiler time you need to tell what kernel you want to support. ( XP or later)
Al XP versions have been compiled with functions that existed in XP, natural they still exist in the later OS's.
XP versions works on all OS's >= XP
Drawback: It's a little slower and non existing functions need to be mapped out.

The win8 version make use of the nieuw capture engine ( win8 >=).
It run on win7 >= on win7 it default to the older capture method.

The XP version can be used on all OS's but from win8 you gain speed by using the win8 version.
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Joined: 2017-09-13 00:40

Re: UVNC vs. operating system compatibility vs. caveats

Post by AnotherUVNCuser »

Hello Rudi,

Ok, so on Windows 7 it doesn't matter which one i use.
Thank you for the explanation :-)

Best regards,
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