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Contact: cannot interact with remote after updating Avast

Post by rcooke »

I remote support a bunch of PCs. My machine has, I think the other end does too. DSM plugin enabled for 1 target, not for the others, all using the repeater.

My machine is Win 7 PRO 64-bit, they are also Win 7 PRO 64-bit.

Has worked fine until today.

I updated Avast antivirus and rebooted.

Now I connect OK. But am unable to click anything on the remote screen!

I thought there was a "reboot remote" command, but cannot find it. In the theory rebooting would fix it.

Thanks in advance!
Richard Cooke
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: cannot interact with remote after updating Avast

Post by Rudi De Vos »

The vnc server has 2 reboot options

reboot save mode: OS is rebooted in safemode with vnc abled as service
Forced reboot: this is like pulling the plug, nothing is saved last way to force a reboot

But you need to be able to access the options, if your viewer is in view-only mode or input is locked you can't press the buttton
And in that case you also could press the normal OS reboot.

Looks, like you are not the only one...
Found this on the net
Latest Avast Free Blocks mouse & keyboard input using TeamViewer, November 10, 2017
Disabling the Self Defense Module is the only way to bypass the issue.

As vnc and teamviewer use the same input methods the trick should also work for vnc
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Re: cannot interact with remote after updating Avast

Post by rcooke »

Great. Curiously, I ran into this with another site. But was able to use ScreenConnect to reboot the machines and that seemed to fix it.

Very weird. Also after updating Avast.

But where in the Viewer GUI is the reboot commands? I know I have seen them someplace, but cant find them!
Richard Cooke
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Re: cannot interact with remote after updating Avast

Post by rcooke »

Here is the thread: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=210715.0

AVAST has released an emergency micro-update to address this.

Details on the linked post, but its a one-liner. From an elevated command prompt, or RUN diaglog enter:

Code: Select all

schtasks.exe /Run /TN "Avast Emergency Update"
Reboot is required to replace aswsp.sys. The version of aswsp.sys (after update and reboot) in System32\drivers should be 17.8.3705.249
Richard Cooke
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