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License Issue?

Simple, Free, Open Source UltraVNC Wrapper Supporting Windows and Mac OSX
Posts: 8
Joined: 2006-11-24 21:56

Re: License Issue?

Post by hm2k »

Good idea with the license.txt.

I like the idea of keeping it simple.

I'm of the opinion that downloading the necessary files as they are required would be the best approach.

I think it would be easier to maintain that way.

Like I said, this would be maintain licensing as you wouldn't be actually distributing it as part of an open source package.

That way you would be able to release the whole thing as open source without including any third party licenses.

It's not mission critical though, but worth thinking about.
Posts: 2338
Joined: 2009-09-09 14:05

Re: License Issue?

Post by B »

No reason he couldn't offer both styles, one with the questionable code embedded, and one with links or automatic downloads.

This situation is not unusual unfortunately. For example, I just reinstalled Azureus, a major open source project, and I still had to download and install the LAME encoder separately just to export MP3s.
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