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How many users can VNC in at the same time

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Posts: 4
Joined: 2013-01-11 15:45

How many users can VNC in at the same time

Post by Louie »

Sometimes when I am using VNC to look at a computer at the office, I will get kicked out of my VNC session when someone else uses VNC to access that same computer.

Is there a limited amount of users that can VNC into the same computer at once?

Is there any way to change that limit?
Posts: 339
Joined: 2008-05-13 14:54

Re: How many users can VNC in at the same time

Post by Bonji »

There is a setting that allows more than 1 person to connect to a uVNC server at once.

Multi viewer connections
[ ] Disconnect all existing connections
[ ] Keep existing connections
[ ] Refuse the new connection
[ ] Refuse all new conection

As far as how many users can connect at once, I have no idea. I've never had more than 3 connected to a single server at once just because we've never had the need.
Posts: 6
Joined: 2013-02-03 01:05

Re: How many users can VNC in at the same time

Post by Kaioshin »

As far as how many users can connect at once, I have no idea.
On Wikipedia (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/UltraVNC) (German) is written as follow:
Unterstützung für mehrere Clients – Die UltraVNC-Serversignale können von einer fast beliebigen Anzahl von "Viewern" aufgegriffen und angezeigt werden. Diese Funktion ist ideal für Schulungen und Präsentationen über das Netzwerk. Damit können Schüler oder Betrachter der Präsentation die Darstellung des Lehrers oder Präsentierenden verfolgen.
Translated with Google Translator
Support for multiple clients - the UltraVNC server signals can be an almost arbitrary number of "viewers" and supplements appear. This feature is ideal for training and presentations over the network. This allows students or viewers of the presentation follow the presentation of the teacher or presenter.
Is there any way to change that limit?
Yes. Right-click on winvnc.exe and then Admin Properties. There you can change the configuration.


Please excuse my bad English.
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